129 merchandising instoresupport Dp-DST-13L 13 litre water tank (A) DURO have developed a fully modular point of sale system that can cater for all product types. These units can be free standing, wall mounted or part of a tool wall system - offering the distributor a full list of options. DURO can supply product range cards, posters, individual product cards, application charts, literature, product videos and much more to further enhance the appearance of our merchandising units, and more importantly provide the customer with more detailed and informative product, application and performance recommendations. DURO also offer tool / slat wall components that enable distributors to utilise available in store space with as much product as possible. Angled hooks for blades, modular unit hanging shelves and many more options available. Contact your area sales manager to discuss the possibilities further. CORE DRILL LECTURNS fREE-STANDING / COUNTER TOP OR WALL MOUNTED MODULAR UNITS - OPTIONAL bRACkETS AVAILAbLE COUNTERTOP & WALL HANGING UNITS - E.G: CORE DRILLS SMALL METAL POINT Of SALE WIRE RACk DISPLAYS fOR SAW bLADES / DRILLS CHISELS / HOLESAWS SMALL CARD POINT Of SALE UNITS EXAMPLE - 1 SHOT OILS ORDER LINE; 01909 552470 www.duro-diamonds.com LARGE CARD POINT Of SALE UNITS EXAMPLE - DUST DEfENDERS